Try the Cock, Tail, and Tease.
Hey there, you ready to be shaken and stirred?
My name is Lily Liqueur, and I am a tease artist, seamstress, and all-around artsy stripper short-haired cutie with a big ol' booty.
I started burlesque in 2010–when I was in the midst of getting a theatre degree, 200 pounds, and being told by the dean of students that I wouldn't make it as an entertainer. Fast forward 7 years, and I'm dancing on the stage of B.B. Kings on 42nd street in NYC.
I began my career as an avid burlesque fan. I couldn't find my place in theatre, discovered all the body positivity and empowered women in burlesque, and was hooked. I performed in a few dive bars, black box theatres, local theatres—anyone that would have me. I began producing and teaching in Norfolk, VA, where the closest local burlesque was an hour and a half away. After touring around the country as a stripping Daenerys Targaryen (with George R.R. Martin's blessing), I felt I had reached my potential in VA. I packed up my bags to teach and perform for a troupe in Dallas, TX. After two years of dancing my little heart out, I made the choice to pursue myself full-time and now work as a free agent in and around Texas.
Event Resume
Southwest Burlesque Fest • Elektra Cute Presents: The Pink & White Ball • Dallas Burlesque Festival • Houston Burlesque Festival • Vancouver International Burlesque Festival • Show-Me Burlesque Festival • Minneapolis Burlesque Festival • New Mexico Burlesque Festival • New York Burlesque Festival • Nashville Burlesque Festival • Crescent City Burlesque Weekender
Live Shots & Performances
Lily is proud to perform around the country for a number of productions! Check out some of her appearances below.
Lily Liqueur performs her signature act, "Kitty Lily," at the 2nd Annual Nashville Burlesque Festival. Music by Portishead. Video courtesy of Nashville Burlesque Festival.
Photo by Scott Fischer
Photo by Saraphimart
Photo by 48th & Pixel
Lily Liqueur features at “Rockers for Knockers,” The 8th Annual Breast Cancer Benefit, 2019. Music by LoveSick Mary. Video by Ben Britt.
Photo by Saraphimart
Photo by Burles Co. Photography
Photo by Burles Co. Photography
Photo by Allan Hayslip
Photo by Fubarfoto • Vancouver International Burlesque Festival, 2018
Viva Dallas Burlesque Mardi Gras, March 2019 • www.VivaDallasBurlesque.com • Video by Ben Britt www.BenBritt.com